A Conversation Between Clark Kent and Superman as Imagined by Lois Lane

The only print journalist that still has a job.

Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor to regularly wear spandex bodysuits, the goes inside the mind of the Daily Planet’s crack reporter to get the scoop on two of Metropolis’s most prominent citizens.

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50 Least Infectious Diseases

Pictured: mycoplasma extremicum, a.k.a. the Mountain Dew-monia virus

Just in time for fall cold season, Whim presents a list of diseases classified by the NIH as being “hopelessly incurable.” Read only under the supervision of a physician or from the safety of quarantine.

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A Conversation Between Mikhail Baryshnikov and Mikhail Gorbachev – The Only Non-Bond Villain Russians I Know

Red Square

Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor to sport both Stalinistic tendencies and facial hair, encourages two famous Mikhails to open up to each other in a spirit of complete emotional transparency.

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Secret Societies: Which One Is Right for You?

Future president George H.W. Bush, seen here during initiation into Skull & Bones

Most folks consider themselves lucky if asked to join one secret society. However, if you’re the sort of person to whom people habitually reveal things, you may find yourself with a cornucopia of clandestine organizations to choose from, and little to direct you.

That’s why Whim’s Dan McCoy has assembled this handy guide. Commit it to memory, and the next time you find yourself in ceremonial robes, drinking the wine of brotherhood from a virgin’s skull, you won’t be thinking, “This just doesn’t feel me.” Choose wisely.

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Point/Counterpoint: Conclusions

Coat of Arms of Slovakia

After a week filled with blood (sausage), (very little) sweat and (copious) tears, Whim’s first ever Point/Counterpoint debate concludes as Elliott and Brock each make token concessions to the other’s argument, yet remain fundamentally unchanged as to the validity of their own rhetoric.

And the capital of Slovakia is...

Point/Counterpoint: Brock’s Rejoinder to Elliott’s Claptrap Bunkum

Coat of Arms of Slovakia

After three days of intractable verbal warfare over the capital of Slovakia, Elliott and Brock reach an unsteady détente as Brock begins to question everything he knows… and realizes his true enemy may be closer than he thinks.

Click here to read Brock's rebuttal...