Body Hair Power Rankings

Burt Reynolds: Patron Saint of Hirsute Men

Thinking of growing a beard? Or waxing those hairy, Hobbit-esque feet? Whim contributor Shawn Donnelly urges you to put down the razor (or Propecia) until you consult the Body Hair Power Rankings for the week of September 13th.

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A Conversation Between Two Actors Drafting on the Success of Their Siblings

Billy Baldwin. Or possibly Daniel. No way to know.

Guest contributor Nat Passet, less successful brother of Whim’s Matt Passet, takes over Conversation Pieces this week. What follows is a discussion overheard by Nat at the bar of a San Fernando Chili’s.

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Classifieds from the Boston Bulletin, the Only Newspaper to Survive the Apocalypse

"Chum monger - I could do that!"

This Labor Day, Whim salutes those for whom every day is a holiday: the unemployed. Courtesy of contributor Mike Yarsky, some job listings that even the most unqualified of readers can (maybe) fill.

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A Conversation Between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King, Jr. – Two Men with (Coincidentally?) Similar Names

Martin Luther, seen here making the original "wall post"

Whim contributor Matt Passet, a man who makes over 95 theses every single day, nails another conversation to the internet’s door. This week: a talk between the two most similarly named spiritual leaders this side of Millard and Mallard Fillmore.

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Lesser-Known Follies of Lincoln’s Cabinet

Abraham Lincoln (As seen in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

Everyone knows that Secretary of State William Seward’s purchase of Alaska was widely derided as “Seward’s Folly” when the transaction was completed in the 1860s. And as everyone knows, Seward will ultimately be redeemed when that state’s former governor is elected president in 2012. (You betcha!) But not everyone knows that Seward was joined in folly-making by his peers in Lincoln’s cabinet. Herewith, a guide.

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Announcing the Arrival of Whim Quarterly Issue #3

After many hours of grueling labor, Whimpleton K. Junglefowl is pleased to officially welcome the Choleric Issue of Whim Quarterly into the family.

Whim #3

Unfortunately, Whim HQ only has enough space to keep a handful of these. Won’t you do your part to help the rest find a good home?

Order Whim #3 between now and September 7th and, in addition to getting a free subscription to our newest sister publication, we’ll throw in a copy of issue #1 to make sure your new magazine doesn’t get lonely.

Best of all, if you’re one of the first 50 people to place an order, you’ll get an exclusive 4-song EP by Chemical Crab, the most recent artist signed to Whim parent company WKJ Records & Tapes. Have a listen below.

Chemical Crab – Lookin’ For Bugs

What are you waiting for? Order your copy today. Setting up vigil at your mailbox immediately afterward is optional.