20 Recently Discovered Vacation Destinations

Beachgoers enjoying what the Go-Go's refer to as a "vacation." Brits like Madonna call it a "holiday."

For the past month, the staff of Whim Quarterly has been working in tandem with travel experts at Wanderfly.com to unearth the world’s most exclusive vacation destinations. Though we initially considered this task to be a fool’s errand, our research has turned up 20 little-loved by travel guides and little seen by tourists.

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A Conversation Between Pocahontas and Sacagawea – Two Native Americans I Know Very Little About

Pocahontas, seen here in the traditional garments of the Anglo-Saxon tribe.

Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor to be paid in wampum, passes the peace pipe with one tribeswoman who made a lot of money for Disney and another who is money.

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Ten Misconceptions About Billings, Montana Cleared Up by the Town of Billings, Montana

Official Seal of Billings, Montana

The United States currently ranks 96th of out something like a million countries in geographical literacy. To better educate our readers and the nation at large, Whim presents this piece written by the largest city in the state of Montana.

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A Conversation Between Cocaine and Heroin – Two Controlled Substances I Know Very Little About

Seen here: a potent form of cocaine rock, known to users as "penny nose candy."

Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor to still take ludes, finds the right balance between uppers and downers in this conversation between a Schedule I and a Schedule II narcotic.

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A Round of Shots: Your Guide to the New Reality of Guns in Bars

"I'll be taking that Tom Collins on the rocks."

Four states recently enacted laws explicitly allowing loaded guns in bars. This is going to considerably affect bar culture. Courtesy of contributor Gregory Beyer, here are five sample scenarios to help you adjust to the inevitably violent new landscape and make it work for you.

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A Conversation Between Doctors Julius Erving and Jonas Salk – Two Health Care Professionals I Know Very Little About

Dr. Julius Erving, seen here leading the fight to eradicate boring basketball.

Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor to hold an advanced degree in conversational studies, imagines a chat between two doctoral colleagues: one known for jamming the rock, the other for jamming needles into arms.

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