Whimmers and Losers: Case 12

Quite the catch or chicken scratch? Whim decides.



El Pollo es Loco. In a good way.



Looking at this just Koo Koo Roo-ined my appetite. For living.

A Conversation Between Dakota Fanning and the Little Girl from Mrs. Doubtfire Who Also Played Matilda – Two Titans of Youth Lit Adaptations


Matt Passet, the only Whim contributor unable to read above a 3rd grade level, phonetically transcribes this talk between preternaturally composed child stars of both past and present.

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Back End Web Programmer Familiar with Magento

Back End Web Programmer Familiar with Magento

Whim contributor Asterios Kokkinos corresponds with a woman who appears to need help far beyond her initial e-commerce programming concerns.

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Whimmers and Losers: Case 11

Fresh meat or dirty bird? Whim decides.



Look at that tall drink of water.



Calling this a drunken mess would be an insults to alcoholics worldwide.

A Conversation Between Santa Claus and Freddy Krueger — Two Men with More in Common Than You Think

Santa Claus

Whim contributor/insomniac Matt Passet relates a tète-à-tète between two accomplished night stalkers.

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Tuesdays with Vinnie #3


Whim advice columnist Vinnie Meatballs stops updating his personal site (justblewvinniemeatballs.com) long enough to answer your most pressing questions.

Vaffanculo! →