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Issue #4.5: The Melancholic Issue

$8US + $2 S&H
Issue contents…
At long last, Whimpleton K. Junglefowl Industries is proud to present the first ever double-issue of Whim. It’s twice the content and half the laughs, all for a modest 60% markup on the regular cover price. Order today and your copy will be packaged in a personalized, heirloom-quality manila envelope and hand-delivered to your mailbox by an employee of the United States Postal Service for a nominal shipping and handling fee. Still not convinced this is the deal of a lifetime? Check out what’s inside:
- New Facebook Hand Gestures
- Six Reasons I Am Not Concerned About the Growing Swarm of Bees Outside the Window
- Your Guide to the New Reality of Guns in Bars
- Asimov’s Unabridged Laws of Robotics
- Ten Misconceptions About Billings, Montana Cleared Up by the Town of Billings, Montana
- Whim’s Writers Pick Their Favorite Mid-Season Replacement Shows
- Erotic Baking’s New Wave: Whim Profiles the 5 Best Erotic Bakers You’ve Never Heard of
- The Worst Guitarists of All-Time
- Blood Red Tumbleweeds on the Moon: A Poorly Researched Story of the West
- Frank Norris Facts
- Lesser-Known Urban Legends
- Rare and Unusual Coins
- Matt Passet’s Knowledge Knuggets
- An 8-Page Insert by Sgt. Facepuncher, M.D.
- And as always… A FREE TOY INSIDE!
Plus much, much more!
Issue #3: The Choleric Issue – SOLD OUT

Issue contents…
How does issue #3 of Whim compare to other famous thirds? Is it hours of fun like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Terrible like The Godfather Part III? Or Ewok-filled like Return of the Jedi? The only way to find out is to buy a copy. Or two. Preferably two. Contents include:
- A Letter to New Residents of Terre Haute
- 13 Things Captain Picard Does While High
- New Additions to the Periodic Table of Elements
- Shouts & Berbers: A Carpet Column
- Lesser-Known Follies of Lincoln’s Cabinet
- Secret Societies: Which One Is Right For You?
- Point/Counterpoint: What Is the Capital of Slovakia?
- Important Things to Know About the Orlando Airport Quality Inn
- Body Hair Power Rankings
- The Confessions of Lionel Q. Murphy, Inventor of the Murphy Bed
- One Man’s Quest for the World’s Most Dangerous Game
- Classifieds from The Boston Bulletin, the Only Newspaper to Survive the Apocalypse
- Sgt. Facepuncher, M.D. on Why Blowguns Are Decent Weapons for Killing
- Receipts from Nightmares
- And as always… A FREE TOY INSIDE!
Plus more!
Issue #2: The Sanguine Issue

$5US + $2 S&H
Issue contents…
Whim Quarterly Issue 2 contains 36 pages of high-quality, text and paper based comedy, perfect for reading, for swatting insects, for the decoration of a coffee table or even as kindling for fire. Between the covers you will find:
- Fothergill’s Miscellany
- “Gaussbombs”
- A Confusing Discussion About Dessert Preferences on a Loud F Train
- Back End Web Programmer Familiar with Magento
- Price Check in Aisle 666
- To Whom It May Concern
- America’s 50 Least Desirable Suburbs
- Here’s to You… Mesa
- 1792 Plan of Washington by Architect Charles Pierre L’Enfantile
- Re-Imaginings of Classic Novels Inspired by Typos
- The Great Altini
- Pretentious Poetry with Emoticons
- Obituary: Luigi Gabagoozzini, Beloved Italian Stereotype, Dies at 87
- 1The Sad, Tragic, and Unenviable Lure of Making the World’s Ultimate Automobile (In 7 Easy Chapters, Set to Music)
- A Few Problems I Have with My Roommate, Who Happens to be a Penguin
- Lost Dance Crazes of the 1920s
- A Running Log of the Premiere Episode of the 7th Season of NCIS (A Show I Have Never Before Seen)
- Our Future: Fashion Spread
- Houdini’s Secret Diary
- Notable Dates Among FDR’s First 100 Days In Office
- 12 or 13 Things Not To Hold IN One Hand While Holding A Baby in the Other Hand
- The Misanthropic School of Advertising
- On the Economies of Magical Lands
Plus more!
Issue #1: The Phlegmatic Issue

$4US + $2 S&H
Issue contents…
Whim Quarterly Issue 1 is (perhaps unsurprisingly) our debut issue. It contains 36 pages of printed content one man described as “highly foldable.” Pick up a copy to read:
- Fothergill’s Miscellany
- An E-Mail To Those I Left Behind
- Water: It Tastes Like Crap!
- On Taking Things To Far: Abusing A Girlfriend’s Good Humor
- To My Upstairs Neighbor
- Top 50 Mediocre Movies of All Time
- True Stories of the World’s Cutest Supervillians
- Getting Real with Greg Volk
- The Band’s Rider
- Bad Love Songs, Written by a…
- The Camera and the Damage Done
- T-Shirt Reviews
- The Whim Quarterly Cocktail Menu
- Re-Imaginings of Classic Novels Inspired by Typos
- Ayn Rand’s Newly Discovered Picture Book
- Instructions for the Subway Sandwich Artist Staked With Making My Sub
- The Golfer
- Sports Betting
- Street Names of New Drugs Your Kids Are Taking
- So You’re Covered In Ants
- Why Robots Are Cooler Than Cars (But Not As Cool As Dinosaurs)
- Maybe I’m A Replicant
- The New Astronaut’s Cookbook
- The Richard Dawkins Delusion By God
- Point/Counterpoint
- Let Us Now Praise Bearded Men: Abraham Lincoln
- Upcoming Headlines From the Headlines Team
- An Oral History of Beaumont
- Where I Hid My Buried Treasure
- Here’s To You… Isthmus
- Craig Robinson’s Quarterly Report
And more!
Whim Two-Pack

$10US + $2 S&H
Shipping is calculated on a per-issue basis (max $10)
We’re sorry, but we can only take US and Canadian orders at this time. Actually, we’re not sorry at all.
We’re sorry, but we can only take US and Canadian orders at this time. Actually, we’re not sorry at all.