A man from Idaho and a man from North Dakota run into one another in Indiana, which is exactly halfway between the two states.
Idaho: Potato?
Idaho offers North Dakota a potato.
North Dakota: No thank you, I just ate. I had…I don’t know, bison? This seems like the sort of thing I would eat, right?
Idaho: I wouldn’t know. In Idaho, we have only potatoes.
North Dakota: You must have some other form of food there as well.
Idaho: Corn?
North Dakota: Maybe.
Idaho checks his watch, which is powered by a potato.
North Dakota: Do you have somewhere to be?
Idaho: I was thinking of seeing a movie.
North Dakota: You should see I Am Sam. Have you seen it?
Idaho: I have not. But I was looking for something a little more upbeat.
North Dakota: What about The Cat in the Hat or Uptown Girls?
Idaho: Are they good?
North Dakota: I like the child actress that’s in them. Fargo is also a movie I have seen.
Idaho: Knish?
Idaho offers a knish to North Dakota
North Dakota: Spinach or potato?
Idaho stares at North Dakota, refusing to answer his question. An awkward silence passes between them, the first of their newfound friendship.
North Dakota: No, thanks. I should be going. I have to get back to work. I am a tour guide at Mount Rushmore.
Idaho: I thought that was in South Dakota?
North Dakota: I honestly don’t know.