You are viewing pieces written by Gregory Beyer

A Round of Shots: Your Guide to the New Reality of Guns in Bars

"I'll be taking that Tom Collins on the rocks."

Four states recently enacted laws explicitly allowing loaded guns in bars. This is going to considerably affect bar culture. Courtesy of contributor Gregory Beyer, here are five sample scenarios to help you adjust to the inevitably violent new landscape and make it work for you.

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High Crimes and Punishment – A Brief Guide to Congressional Disciplinary Actions

Having been censured, Rep. Charles Rangel must now wear a "Parental Advisory" lapel pin when conducting official Congressional business.

Gregory Beyer, Whim contributor and perennial candidate for Delaware’s at-large House seat, explains why Representative Charles Rangel was lucky to walk away with a mere censure after being found guilty of ethics violations last week. Recommended reading for all parliamentary procedure wonks.

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Receipts from Nightmares

Hieronymus Squash

It’s Halloween week at Whim. Steel yourselves, foolish mortals, for a five-day celebration of the darkest art of all: spooky humor writing. Today, an excerpt from issue #3’s most chilling piece. Guaranteed to leave you (and your accountant) cowering in fear.

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From the Diary of Representative Joe Barton (R – TX)

After Texas representative Joe Barton’s curious apology to the head of BP, Whim contributor Gregory Beyer called in a few favors and ultimately got his hands on Barton’s diary. As it turns out, this was not the first time in his life such an apology was delivered.

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The Great Altini

The Great Altini

Gregory Beyer, a leading scholar of adult film director Theodore F.W. Altini’s films, reflects on the auteur’s oeuvre. Whim Quarterly initially requested to sit down with Beyer on camera, but he reneged at the last minute, frightened at the possibility of having to pronounce the words “auteur” and “oeuvre.”

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