Fourteen years ago, HBO struck ratings gold with the The Late Shift, a small screen adaptation of the messy, behind-the-scenes negotiations that led to Jay Leno’s takeover of The Tonight Show.
Now, with NBC’s late night line-up once again in turmoil, Whim Quarterly has learned a sequel is in the works. With apologies to Conan, we’re proud to announce who’ll be playing whom in this brand-new made-for-TV movie…
The role of Jay Leno will be played by Spanish director Pedro Almodovar*

The role of Jay’s sidekick Kevin Eubanks will be played by comedian Dave Chappelle

The head of NBC, Jeff Zucker, will be played by former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer

Embattled Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien will be portrayed by Bob’s Big Boy

Conan’s sidekick and announcer Andy Richter will be played by Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman

Tonight Show bandleader Max Weinberg will be played by Baby Sinclair from Jim Henson’s Dinosaurs

New kid on the block Jimmy Fallon will be played by the Mac from the “Get a Mac” campaign

The role of the NBC Peacock will be played by Izzy, the mascot for the 1996 Summer Olympics

Television’s Carson Daly will be played cinder block found in an empty lot

And finally…
Character actor Bob Balaban will reprise his role as former NBC executive Warren Littlefield

*Almodovar will also be directing the HBO Latino version of the remake, El Cambio Tarde Dos.