Whim Issue #2 Production: On Target!

There are many steps involved in the production of a high-quality, paper-based, comedy-entertainment product. Right now we, the diligent staff of Whim Quarterly, are firmly rooted in step #57 (paring down references to the French Revolution) and looking toward step #58 (increasing the number of knock-knock jokes). In other words, we’re right on schedule.

Other key steps involved in this very difficult process:

  • #18 – Experimenting with the replacement of the standard four color CMYK printing process with the highly controversial 21-color IMNDGOWYEIGNDLDIGPQDX printing.
  • #96 – Visiting local Masonic Temple and having high priests copy-edit the Contributors section.
  • #163 – Tweeting about what Dame Judi Dench decided to wear to the SAG Awards.
  • #7221 – Staff pizza party (no gluten, no dairy, no meat, no black olives).

As you can see, we have quite a ways to go, but Whim Issue #2 should be in the mail around March 15th.