Einstein: Alex…
[Graham Bell ignores Einstein.]
Einstein: Hey, Alex…
[Graham Bell turns around revealing that he’s on the phone, and holds up a finger as to say, “one moment.”]
Graham Bell: [Into phone] Right, and then she said what? She didn’t….no way….
[Einstein clears his throat]
Graham Bell: [Into phone] Right…Ed…Eddie…Edison, I gotta go. Freakin’ Einstein here wants to talk to me about something. [Pause, laughs] Right…Yeah, a fucking MC square. [Pause] Sounds awesome. Give me a ring. Bye.
[Graham Bell hangs up. Einstein is pretending to be busy, writing E=MC squared on the chalk board over and over.]
Graham Bell: What was so important that you couldn’t wait?
Einstein: Vat vas that about?
Graham Bell: Just some invention we’re working on.
Einstein: [Under his breath] Vill it change the vay people think about entire vorld?
Graham Bell: Huh? Couldn’t hear you over the phonograph…yeah, that’s right the motherfucking phonograph. I invented that shit!
Einstein: That wasn’t you, that vas Edison.
Graham Bell: Are you sure?
Einstein: As sure as I am that energy equals mass times…C…squared.
Graham Bell: What did I do then? Just the telephone? I think I might have invented a metal detector, too. Does that sound right?
Einstein: It’s possible.
Graham Bell: How crazy is my beard?
Einstein: How about my fucking hair?