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Whim #4.5 Preview – The Worst Guitarists of All-Time

Awful guitarist Jimmy Hendricks gets in tune.

Issue #4.5 of Whim begins shipping later this week. In honor of its imminent arrival, please enjoy this exclusive sneak peek featuring the guitar stylings of some truly awful axe men.

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Best of Whim 2010 – Shouts & Berbers

Whim believes all these colors would look great in your den.

Remove your shoes and socks, readers, and let those plush fibers press between your toes. Courtesy of Whim contributor Matt Passet, it’s 2010’s best installment of America’s favorite carpet-themed column… Shouts and Berbers.

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Best of Whim 2010 – Our Future: Whim’s Fall Fashion Preview

Fall Fashion Preview

With one day left in the year, now is your last chance to be a part of the season’s hottest fashion trend before it becomes so 2010.

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Best of Whim 2010 – The Misanthropic School of Advertising

 So, ladies and gentlemen... if I say I'm an ad man you will agree.

Whim contributors/would-be Mad Men Michael Yarsky and Russell Brandom have compiled a slideshow of stunning samples from the pioneering ad company Johnston & Kirk, a firm whose work can largely be classified as “coke-fueled”.

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Best of Whim 2010 – Other Publications from Whimpleton K. Junglefowl Industries

Sadly, the current issue of Eel Fancy is sold out.

Whim’s Best of 2010 countdown takes a commercial turn, as we dutifully promote the best of the other magazines our parent company, Whimpleton K. Junglefowl Industries, has to offer.

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Best of Whim 2010 – Lost Dance Crazes of the 1920s

Lost Dance Crazy of the 1920s

Keeping with New Year’s “out with the old, in with the new” spirit, please enjoy these heretofore forgotten jigs, swings, and tangos discovered by Whim founder and amateur dance historian Paul L. Underwood.

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