Hi, I’m Dr. Health. Yes, I’m a woman—women can be doctors, too! Though lately I realize that, by doing so, I have brought great shame onto my family, my husband, and the laws of God.
Continue to the full post→Hi, I’m Dr. Health. Yes, I’m a woman—women can be doctors, too! Though lately I realize that, by doing so, I have brought great shame onto my family, my husband, and the laws of God.
Continue to the full post→Hi, I’m Dr. Health. I’m also a woman. Proof of both provided upon request.
Continue to the full post→Hi, I’m Dr. Health. What’s that you say? Women can’t be doctors? Next you’re going to tell me men can’t be mothers. And I think we’ve all seen the documentary film Junior, so… there you go.
Continue to the full post→Hi, I’m Dr. Health. News flash! I’m a woman. Yes, women can be doctors, too. It’s 2010, so deal with it! Health is actually my last name, too. Though I married into it. My husband’s a fat slob accountant. And my maiden name is Money! So there you go.
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