I General Social Data Your name? Wife’s given and maiden name? Husband’s given name? Full names of children? Names of all other members of the household, and their relation to you? Molly Kate McGuiness is her maiden name. Our marriage was arranged by an organization that allows children of the Irish to marry an outsider, […]
Russell Boyce Brandom
I General Social Data Your name? Wife’s given and maiden name? Husband’s given name? Full names of children? Names of all other members of the household, and their relation to you? No legitimate children. II Physical and Mental Conditions Is the importance of regular sleep, bathing, care of the teeth, and regular action of the […]
Michael Yarsky
I General Social Data Your name? Wife’s given and maiden name? Husband’s given name? Full names of children? Names of all other members of the household, and their relation to you? Michael Yarsky, of course. No one else in this household but me. II Physical and Mental Conditions Is the importance of regular sleep, bathing, […]
WHIM EXCLUSIVE: J.D. Salinger, the Final Interview
Three years ago, reclusive author J.D. Salinger approached us to offer his first interview since 1980. The interview was contingent upon two things: 1. We start a humor magazine in the winter of ’09. 2. We wait to release the interview until after he dies. Salinger died yesterday at age 91. He met us in 2006 at a coffee shop in Cornish, New Hampshire. The following is that transcription.
Continue to the full post→Dan McCoy
I General Social Data Your name? Wife’s given and maiden name? Husband’s given name? Full names of children? Names of all other members of the household, and their relation to you? I have a question for you, “Whim.” Why are you so interested in myself and my wife? Are you looking to start some sort […]
Whim Issue #2 Production: On Target!
There are many steps involved in the production of a high-quality, paper-based, comedy-entertainment product. Right now we, the diligent staff of Whim Quarterly, are firmly rooted in step #57 (paring down references to the French Revolution) and looking toward step #58 (increasing the number of knock-knock jokes). In other words, we’re right on schedule.
Other key steps involved in this very difficult process:
- #18 – Experimenting with the replacement of the standard four color CMYK printing process with the highly controversial 21-color IMNDGOWYEIGNDLDIGPQDX printing.
- #96 – Visiting local Masonic Temple and having high priests copy-edit the Contributors section.
- #163 – Tweeting about what Dame Judi Dench decided to wear to the SAG Awards.
- #7221 – Staff pizza party (no gluten, no dairy, no meat, no black olives).
As you can see, we have quite a ways to go, but Whim Issue #2 should be in the mail around March 15th.