Harry Houdini. You know him, you love him, you have an insatiable craving for revealing and embarrassing facts about him. This is where we step in: Whim Quarterly has unearthed Houdini’s secret diaries.
Continue to the full post→Harry Houdini. You know him, you love him, you have an insatiable craving for revealing and embarrassing facts about him. This is where we step in: Whim Quarterly has unearthed Houdini’s secret diaries.
Continue to the full post→A report detailing the findings of a multi-billion dollar study on the infrastructure and economies of magical lands, and their potential threat to the struggling U.S. financial system. Appears in Whim Quarterly Issue #2.
Continue to the full post→Enjoy this photo gallery and video detailing some of the lesser-known dance crazes of yesteryear. This piece appears in Whim Quarterly Issue #2.
Continue to the full post→Whim Quarterly recently came into possession of a newly discovered picture book written by Ayn Rand, the contents of which are available by clicking below. This piece appears in Whim Quarterly Issue #1.
Continue to the full post→Care for a nice cocktail. Here you will find a list of delicious drinks we here at Whim Quarterly always have at the ready. Perhaps these recipes will serve you well at your next fancy party. This piece first appeared in Whim Quarterly Issue #1.
Continue to the full post→The difference between a timeless work of art and bizarre, flea-market, toss-off is not as significant as one may think, as highlighted in this piece, which appears in Whim Quarterly #1.
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