
Whim Quarterly is a magazine printed on actual, flammable paper. It boasts contributions from writers of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Late Show with David Letterman, The Onion, National Lampoon, and an absurdist broadsheet publication called The New York Times. Taken as a single entity, Whim contributors would have 36 eyes, three Emmy Awards and a soul-crushing amount of personal debt. Treat yourself. Order a copy!

If you would like to contact us, please direct all emails to thefolks [at] whimquarterly [dot] com

The Staff

Brock Mahan: co-editor
Rick Pecoraro: co-editor
Paul L. Underwood: co-editor

Thea Rossi: designer

Ashley Macknica: photography

Kristin Marciniak: copy editor

Whimpleton K. Junglefowl: founder